Install the front door is not difficult, especially if a person is armed with the necessary theoretical knowledge for this case. In this case, you will only have to adhere to certain regulations, to monitor the flatness of the installation and do not violate the technological process. Following the recommendations of experts, the installation of the entrance door with their own hands will not seem difficult. This will be discussed in this article, in which we will tell in all the details, how to make an independent installation of the entrance door.

Installing the entrance door with your own hands: preparing the opening

With the question of how to dismantle the old entrance door, I think you can figure it out yourself, but how to properly prepare the doorway for the installation of metal entrance doors, it is worth talking about in detail. On how well you do, depends in full measure on the ease and quality of door installation.

What is meant by the term “preparation of the doorway”? Of course, it is fitting its size under the dimensions of the door – the more accurate you do it and the smaller the gap between the door and the opening, the more securely you can install the front door. The explanation is simple – the length of the protruding part of the anchor. In addition, too wide an opening provides installation of the door as if suspended – no part of the box will not be able to adhere to the walls, which in itself is not very good.

Such a door will hold, but the question is how it will do it (reliably or not so reliably)? Similarly, we can talk about excessively small doorway, which usually does not allow high-quality alignment of the door and no less well sealed with installation foam. In general, there should be a golden mean, which ranges from 15 to 25 mm between the door frame and the opening.

With the increase in the doorway usually there is no question – as a rule, it is expanded with a grinder or punch. But with the question of how to reduce the doorway, many people have problems. And they appear in most cases when it is necessary to reduce it insignificantly. Decrease the opening at 100mm is much easier than, for example, at 50mm – in the first case, the question can be solved by using bricks, but in the second case it just physically can’t be done. As a rule, in such a situation, an additional frame made of metal, such as an angle, is simply inserted into the opening. A structure is welded out, which encircles the wall in the opening on both sides, and the unnecessary voids between the frame and the wall are filled with cement mortar.

How to install a metal entrance door: step by step instructions

The aperture is ready, now you can safely proceed to the direct solution to the question, how to install the entrance door? To make it easier to comprehend all this artless process, let us present it in the form of a certain sequence. So, installing the front door in a house or apartment is performed as follows.

  • Install the door in the opening. Just sliding it into place, and so it will not fall, open the leaf exactly at 90 °. And to keep the upper part of the box from moving away from the wall, we put a prop under the bottom of the door leaf. That is all, the first preparations are complete. You can step aside and see what came out of it, and at the same time and take the rack level to perform further work, which involves addressing the issue, how to install the entrance door yourself?
  • Armed with the level, it is time to engage in leveling the door unit. It will need to orient it so that all the planes of the new door took a clear position in relation to the vertical level. To begin with, set the level on the part of the door frame on which the hinges are located and placing wooden blocks or wedges under the bottom corner of the box, achieving the desired position of the door unit. In principle, if the door is assembled correctly, putting the post with hinges level, all other indicators of the flatness of the door installation should be normal. Except that the plane of the door to the wall of the opening. This is what you should do next.
  • Here it all depends on the flatness of the wall – in most cases, to extend the bottom or top of the box makes no sense. The door is installed exactly along the wall – this, of course, causes some inconvenience, but you can put up with them. As the inconvenience caused by such an installation, you can highlight the spontaneous opening or closing of the door under its own weight.
  • Now fix the door frame. It is better to start from the top, from the side of the overhangs. Through the special eyelets drill a hole in the wall and insert the anchor in it – until you tighten it. Do the same with all the other eyelets on this side of the door frame. Again, the anchors are not yet tightened, but go to the side of the door frame and repeat the procedure of drilling and installing the anchors on the other side.
  • Now, again we arm ourselves with the level and tighten the anchors on the side of the overhangs, keeping the verticality of the post with the overhangs clearly in check. Using the level, it is easy enough to determine which of the anchor screws should be pulled and which should be released. After one side is finished, move on to the other side and repeat the fastening procedure. Do not forget to control the level of installation. As a result of all your efforts, the door unit should as if hanging in the space on the anchor screws. If after the installation of the iron entrance door, it will be a bit shaky, it is not bad – to fix it finally in the opening will help assembly foam, which sealed the door.
  • Check the performance of the door unit. We close the door and check how the lock clicks. In principle, everything should be fine, but if the deadbolts of the lock caught when passing through the mating holes, it means that the doors are not aligned correctly, and will require additional adjustment in the level. If everything is fine, however, move on to the next step of the job.
  • Sealing the entrance door – this is the last stage of work, which involves the installation of the entrance door to the apartment or house. Here it is quite simple – take a large balloon of polyurethane sealant (foam mounting), arrange him a good shaking, the cylinder can even be heated in hot water (thus increasing the yield of foam) and blowing the gap between the door frame and opening first from the sides, and then top. Under the threshold foam is not necessary to blow – this gap, if it is there, filled with cement mortar. Why? Because the foam from the constant loads from human feet over time is broken.

In conclusion of the topic, the installation of the entrance door with their own hands, I want to note the fact that after sealing the frame foam door better not be used for 6 hours – during this time the foam will harden and finally fix the door in the opening.